

Best Friend

Best Friend



Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Sleep over

Hai everybody, i just blogging from iphone hahaha... Insine right? I borrowed my sister's phone without any premision I felt guilty as you know, im going to college hahaha. I dont know what i hve to do right now I cannot sleep, everyday i just woke up at midnight and do nothing i have teriblle situation right now, my Parents wont let me drive my self. They told me that im still younger, i dont know how explaine them I know im still sixteen years old.... did you believe me that im still 16???? Hahahahahah crazy right? Im supposed to be second high achool right now, but yeah in the real life im still younger then ever I dont know what im doing right now, tell you abaout random things that is nothing Hey i have to tellyou, i will study at Trisakti University wohoo and Major Law I failed on SNMPTN but its okey, i hve more time Hammssshhhhh, gue gk tau msti cerita apalagi, karena gue bngung mau cerita apa sebenernya......speak english or whatever laahh gue bingung sangat Yang laku biarlah berlalu sekarang ya sekarang jadi mulai dari sekarang gue musti lebih baik lagi dari sebelumnya...... More fill or more feeling that i hve, im still i am Mau kuliah dimanapun juga kalopun gue bener bener dan bersungguh2, gue Akan berhasil dengan sendirinya, jaddiiiiii selamat menempuh hidup baru dengan itulah.. Bye

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